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Be an Agent of Social Change with These 4 Graduate Degrees

  May 31, 2018    

We’re all familiar with Gandhi's inspirational and age-old quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

And if you’re someone who’s concerned with social or environmental well-being, you probably know how difficult it can be to feel as though you’re making a real difference.

Here at West Virginia University, we want to help you figure out how to make a real difference by matching you with a graduate degree in your specific area of interest.

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Industry Research & Advice

Why I Made the Switch from Chemistry to Forensic & Investigative Science

  May 24, 2018    

There are many reasons to switch fields of study. Maybe you're disillusioned with the current direction of your education or maybe you're finding out that your strengths and talents lie elsewhere.

Whatever your reason, you shouldn't be afraid of trying to align your current interests with your future career — even if it means pursuing an advanced degree that's different from your undergraduate degree.

In order to better demonstrate this idea, we chatted with Korina, a current WVU student...

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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials, WVU Graduate Programs

How Pursuing a Bachelor's and a Master's in Different Fields Helped Me to Challenge an Industry's Status Quo

  May 17, 2018    

If I asked my 18-year-old self if she thought I would earn a master’s degree in Data Marketing Communications (DMC), she likely would have looked at me with a blank stare.

In 2010, the sales, marketing, and technology silos were just that, separate, and not always equal, departments of a business. But today, it is my belief that data-driven marketers are leading the charge in breaking-down these silos by bridging the gaps between departments and by creating a greater depth of opportunities.


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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials, WVU Graduate Programs

You Can Change Your Community (And the World) with a Graduate Degree in Sustainability

  May 03, 2018    

Do you want a career that really focuses on economic, social, and environmental change?

Are you wondering if a graduate degree will actually prepare you to thrive in a purpose-driven career?

We understand that making the decision to get your master’s and choosing a graduate school can be challenging, but we want to help you make the best decision possible.

Keep reading for some insight into why the Admissions professionals at West Virginia University think a graduate degree based in...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Industry Research & Advice

What Can You Do With a Master of Social Work (Besides the Obvious)?

  April 19, 2018    

Are you looking to competently and efficiently promote social well-being and quality of life in your community? 

West Virginia University's Master of Social Work is a graduate program designed for students who are interested in making a real difference in a variety of sectors — public and private, local and international.

The traditional careers that spring to mind when considering a MSW tend to be positions that focus on social policy or child welfare, however, this master’s degree prepares...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs

26 Booming Industries to Look Out for in 2018

  April 12, 2018    

It's no secret that technology is changing, and along with it, technology's evolution is resulting in some industries dissolving, while other industries are thriving.

After doing some research on a range of publications, we've put together a list of 26 industries that are thought to be on the verge of blowing up.

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Topics: Industry Research & Advice

Compete as a Thought Leader: Earn a Graduate Degree in Sport Management

  April 05, 2018    

Do you want real-world training in the discipline of sport management?

Do you want a graduate program that's designed to help you achieve your professional goals?

Do you want compete in the global job market as an industry leader?

The Sport Management graduate program, offered by West Virginia University's College of Applied Human Sciences, is designed to advance the careers of established sport professionals while helping those individuals wanting to gain entry into this highly sought-after...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying to a Master's Program

  March 29, 2018    

Between studying for the GRE, analyzing your financial situation, and making a decision regarding whether to keep working or not, applying to graduate school can be stressful. And in the midst of weighing several challenging choices, it's sometimes easy to overlook important steps in the graduate school admissions process.

But don't worry! The West Virginia University Admissions team is here to help.

Take a look at these three easily avoidable mistakes before you apply to grad school (and then...

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Topics: Funding Your Graduate Education, Graduate School Resources

3 Reasons the State of West Virginia Needs Public Health Professionals

  March 15, 2018    

As the health needs of our communities change and evolve, so will the demand for dedicated doctors, researchers, and health administrators.

Whether it’s finding ways to promote rural seniors’ access to healthy food or collaborating with corporations and public officials to create a digitally-skilled workforce, West Virginia University's public health professionals are working to turn some of the most critical questions our society faces today — into solutions.

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Industry Research & Advice

3 Reasons an Online Hybrid MBA Program May be Right for You (or Not!)

  March 08, 2018    

Are you ready to go back to school, but not ready to quit your job?

Choosing graduate school online will allow you to maintain momentum in your career while pursuing your degree. You'll not only master a specific body of knowledge, you'll also learn to think critically and creatively, analyze and synthesize information, communicate effectively, and solve complex problems — all skills that give you that decisive competitive edge.

But remember that there are two sides to every story. Just...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Graduate School Resources


About the Blog

Deciding what graduate school to attend can be daunting at times, and navigating the admissions process can be that much more difficult. We hope to make the journey from considering graduate school to enrolling in a graduate program easier by publishing content that will be helpful to you as you discern if, when, and where, to pursue your next degree.

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