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Be an Agent of Social Change with These 4 Graduate Degrees

Posted by Shelly Quance on 5/31/18 7:24 AM

  May 31, 2018    

Make Real Social Change with These 4 Graduate Degrees

We’re all familiar with Gandhi's inspirational and age-old quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

And if you’re someone who’s concerned with social or environmental well-being, you probably know how difficult it can be to feel as though you’re making a real difference.

Here at West Virginia University, we want to help you figure out how to make a real difference by matching you with a graduate degree in your specific area of interest.

PRO TIP: To further understand the field of public health, download and explore  Impacting Social Change in the Field of Public Health!

1. Combine training in clinical rehabilitation and counseling to make real difference in mental health. 

West Virginia University's Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling graduate program aims to change society’s view that mental health and rehabilitation are separate fields of study. To be able to fully advocate for these issues, professionals in this field strive to help people overcome the barriers they face in everyday life – whether they are physical, intellectual, or a combination due to past trauma or a battle with substance abuse.

With a degree in clinical rehabilitation and mental health counseling, graduates can serve as vocational rehabilitation counselors for local veterans, career coaches, or employment service directors for those who live with a disability.

Note: This is also a great program to consider if you’re thinking about going to graduate school online.

2. Promote and inspire social well-being with a career in social work.

Social work professionals are focused on providing better quality of life in a variety of sectors: public and private, local and international.

They work to provide counseling services and use policy-making and city planning initiatives to increase access to these services in communities that are traditionally under-served. Social services professionals also cultivate a more just society by enhancing overall quality of life in their communities.

Students in WVU’s Master of Social Work program get on-the-job training in local hospitals, mental health clinics, child protective agencies, and nursing homes — to the direct benefit of those in need in the Appalachian region. They’ll use this experience to provide social services in their own communities by working as counselors in family services or substance abuse recovery programs.

Note: Social work is also a great career to consider if you’re looking to make a career change.

3. Social change meets environmental responsibility with an advanced degree in forestry.

WVU’s Master of Science in Forestry program allows candidates to focus their studies on forest biometry, forest ecology, forest economics, forest business, forest management, forest hydrology, silviculture, wood science and technology, forest operations, wood composites, wood marketing, bio-energy, or bio-fuels.

Similarly, WVU’s PhD in Forest Resources Sciences allows students to choose one of the following as their major field of study:

  • Forest Resources Management
  • Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Resources
  • Wood Science and Technology
  • Wildlife and Fisheries Resources

A graduate with a degree in forestry has the option to become a resource forester, forest ranger or forestry science technician. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these positions make an average salary of $65,000.

4. Work to make your community (and the world!) aware of the benefits of public health.

WVU's School of Public Health offers a variety of graduate Public Health program for those hoping to make a positive difference in the world.

WVU’s graduate degree in Public Health prepares students for promising careers by providing evidence-based solutions to complex health issues. Founded on the principle of social justice, public health professionals work to anticipate the future health needs of our communities.

A graduate degree in public health can help you enact change in society while also providing you with a high paying salary. The following are among the highest paying public health jobs:

  • Healthcare Administrator — improves the quality and efficiency of health care services (average salary of $96,540).
  • Health and Safety Engineer — designs systems and procedures that prevent people from getting sick or injured (average salary of $86,720).
  • Environmental Scientist — works to protect both environmental and human health (average salary of $68,910).

Are you making plans to change careers but need some guidance and inspiration? Check out our digital resource — Make the Change: A Comprehensive Guide to Graduate Programs for Career Changers — and let us help you navigate the process of changing career fields! 

Explore the Digital Resource

Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Industry Research & Advice

Posted by Shelly Quance

Shelly Quance has spent almost 20 years working in higher education marketing communications. She currently serves as Director for West Virginia University’s Office of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment where she works collaboratively with College leadership to develop, implement, and evaluate creative and effective comprehensive communication and marketing plans to increase graduate student enrollment.


About the Blog

Deciding what graduate school to attend can be daunting at times, and navigating the admissions process can be that much more difficult. We hope to make the journey from considering graduate school to enrolling in a graduate program easier by publishing content that will be helpful to you as you discern if, when, and where, to pursue your next degree.

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