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Safety Management — Understanding Career Outlook, Salary, and Job Opportunities

  April 27, 2022    

Safety management is a niche field of interest. In fact, there are many who aren't overly familiar with safety management as a field or as a degree.

A Safety Management graduate degree program is designed for students trained in areas of business and economic sciences, animal sciences, chemical and biological sciences, engineering and technology sciences, medical sciences, or the physical sciences. 

A safety management degree is ideal for aspiring professionals interested in public safety,...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Industry Research & Advice

Tips for Grad School — Introducing The Summit Ahead Podcast

  April 19, 2022    


Looking for helpful tips for grad school? You're in the right place.

For a few years now, we've been posting helpful content related to choosing grad school on our graduate education blog, The Summit Ahead, but we also recognize that you're busy and that you might not have time to add more reading to your busy day.For that reason, we're launching The Summit Ahead Podcast— a monthly podcast that will

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Topics: WVU Admissions Resources, Podcast Resources

9 Cost-Benefits of Attending Graduate School in 2022

  April 12, 2022    

Securing your economic future, personal growth, and career advancement requires strategic goal-planning. Pursuing a graduate degree can be one of the most significant decisions you can make as you consider return on investment of your energy, time, and money.

So, why should you apply to graduate school in 2022? As you think about the cost-benefits of choosing a graduate school to attend now, consider these 9 top reasons.

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Topics: Funding Your Graduate Education

4 Reasons You Should Apply for a Graduate Assistantship

  March 30, 2022    

Graduate school is a great way to invest in your future. You further your potential by giving yourself a better chance to get noticed in today’s job market, pursuing your interests in more depth, and making more connections.

Your graduate education is more than what you learn in the classroom — it’s also the work experience you gain. One way to obtain work experience in graduate school is through a graduate assistantship.

A unique experience during graduate years, graduate assistantships...

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Topics: Funding Your Graduate Education

You Can Impact Change in a Post-Pandemic World — Here’s How

  March 16, 2022    

Many of us have experienced the negative impacts of COVID-19 and recognize the long term implications that a worldwide pandemic can leave behind. 

We can never know when a pandemic, natural disaster, or other crisis will occur, but when another disaster like the 2020 pandemic strikes, we need to be ready to act. 

As we navigate today's post-pandemic world, we need driven changemakers who can provide solutions to

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Topics: Graduate Degrees in STEM, WVU Graduate Programs

7 Safety Management Career Opportunities for Driven Safety Professionals

  February 16, 2022    

Safety management is a dynamic and competitive field — a mission-driven industry for professionals who have the skills to mitigate risk and improve conditions for individuals in a variety of environments. 

Let's explore the safety management industry and outline some of the most sought-after

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Topics: Graduate School Resources, Industry Research & Advice

Launch into a STEM Career: Best Master's Degrees for Career Change

  December 09, 2021    

Are you looking to make a career change — and need a STEM master’s degree to make it happen?

The good news is that some STEM graduate programs don’t require you to have already earned a STEM bachelor’s degree. Read on to learn about six of West Virginia University’s STEM graduate degrees that are available to those making a career change.

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Topics: Graduate Degrees in STEM

Finding Funding for Graduate School — Erin's Story

  August 11, 2021    

Finding funding for graduate school doesn't have to be stressful or difficult. There are so many types of financial aid, and financing graduate school doesn't have to break the bank.

We spoke with Erin, a current WVU graduate student, and got her take on how to finance graduate school using traditional and creative

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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials, Funding Your Graduate Education

Borrow Smart: 7 Tips to Finding Financial Aid for Graduate School

  August 06, 2021    

So, you're seriously thinking about choosing a graduate school?

Are you also worrying about financing graduate school?

If you're like millions of other aspiring graduate students in America, you're probably considering borrowing money to pay for your degree. If that's the case, we're here to help you figure out how to find funding for graduate school!

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Topics: Funding Your Graduate Education

11 Graduate Degrees at WVU for Career Changers

  July 20, 2021    

The only constant that seems to define life as a post-graduate is change itself.

Interests, long-term goals, career aspirations — they are all up in the air. Your interests as a high school senior – when you chose your intended course of study and well, in many cases your career path for the foreseeable future – are often vastly different from the college senior that walks across the stage at graduation four years later.

But the good news is it’s never too late to chase your daydreams, and an...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs, Industry Research & Advice


About the Blog

Deciding what graduate school to attend can be daunting at times, and navigating the admissions process can be that much more difficult. We hope to make the journey from considering graduate school to enrolling in a graduate program easier by publishing content that will be helpful to you as you discern if, when, and where, to pursue your next degree.

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