With continuing increases in tuition, thinking about financing graduate school can be stressful, but you probably know that scholarships are a great way to fund your education.
In fact, without scholarship aid, many students would not be able to afford college at all, let alone attend graduate school. If you really invest the time to do valuable research, you will find numerous opportunities to earn money toward your tuition.
Scholarships vary based on amount awarded, geographic location, and eligibility requirements. Scholarships are also very diverse. There are graduate scholarship opportunities for everyone, no matter your gender, ethnicity, race, or where you attend school. Every year colleges and universities, along with the U.S. Department of Education, award an estimated $46 billion in scholarships and grants.
While finding scholarships that you are eligible for may take some time, here is a list of five to get you started.
Here are five scholarships available to graduate students in 2017.
National Scholarships
- Captain Jodi Callahan Memorial Scholarship:
For graduate students who are members of the United States Air Force, this scholarship is for you! This is a yearly, national scholarship that is awarded to a graduate student who is full-time Air National Guard, active duty Air Force, or full-time Air Force Reserve (officer or enlisted). Applicants must be working towards a masters in a non-technical field and must possess a minimum 3.0 GPA. The scholarship award is $1,000 and applicants must apply by April 30, 2017 in order to be considered.
- Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Minority Students:
If you’re working toward a future career in archives, be sure to check out this scholarship. This graduate scholarship is awarded to a minority student who will be, or is currently, enrolled in a multi-course program in archival administration. This individual must possess a 3.0 GPA or better and be of African, American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander, or Latino descent. This graduate student awardee will receive a $750 scholarship and a one year membership to the Midwest Archives Conference. For consideration, applications must be turned in by March 1, 2017.
Local Scholarships
- Beckley Area Foundation Scholarships:
West Virginia residents who are attending graduate school, pay attention! Each year the Beckley Area Foundation manages an array of scholarships that are available to students in the Beckley, WV region. Some scholarships are designated by field of study being pursued and university to be attended. And while others can be used at any university and towards any program, some are only awarded to students who attended a particular high school in the area (Liberty High School, Woodrow Wilson High School, Mt. Hope High School, etc.). Each year an updated scholarship catalog is released on March 1st, and within the catalog the scholarships and their deadlines are listed. The majority of the scholarships are for recent high school grads or undergraduate students. However, every year there are graduate student scholarships offered as well. Past graduate scholarships have included the Nancy R. Smith Environmental Studies Scholarship and the Margaret Janney Vargo Memorial Scholarship (details about these two scholarships can be found in the previous year's catalog). - West Virginia Library Association Scholarship:
The West Virginia Library Association (WVLA) gives annual scholarships to graduate students who are pursuing a master’s degree from an ALA approved institution or an approved library certificate program. These graduate students must also be members of the WVLA. The winners can be awarded up to $5,000. This scholarship strives to increase the number of librarians in West Virginia. The deadline for this graduate scholarship is July 31, 2017. - Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Program:
If you have plans to become an educator in the West Virginia school system after graduate school, be sure to apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is available to West Virginia residents that are undergraduate and graduate students. Students must be pursuing a teaching degree in pre-school, elementary, middle school, or secondary school and be enrolled in a college in West Virginia. This scholarship can be awarded for up to $5,000 and gives priority to juniors, seniors, and graduate students pursuing a degree in education. Award winners must have an interest in, and agree to, teach in West Virginia upon graduation. The deadline for this scholarship is March 1, 2017.
Consider all of your financial options!
The money needed to obtain a master’s degree can seem costly, but it doesn’t have to be! Take your time, do your research, and consider all your financial options before jumping into student loan commitments, private loans, or grants. There are so many options out there for you to consider taking advantage of as long as you make the effort to find them. Graduate student scholarship opportunities in 2017 are available and waiting for your application!