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20 Growing Industries That Will Need People with Advanced Degrees in 2017

  January 04, 2017    

After College Graduation: The American Dream

It wasn’t long ago when graduating from college earned you a slice of the American dream. You could plan to jump from graduation to a full-time job, save your pension, retire, and reflect on a prosperous legacy.

Then the reality of life in the 2000’s met you at the door, with a maze of challenging decisions to be made for a fulfilling future. The use of technology created massive changes in the workforce, which changed the way we all do business.

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Topics: Industry Research & Advice

What You Should Know About Careers: Which Fields are Emerging

  July 23, 2016    

It used to be simple. If your dad was a farmer, you were a farmer; if he was a carpenter, so were you. These days, there are more factors to consider when choosing a career path than there are flavors at Baskin Robbins: how much schooling a career will require, how well it pays, how flexible it is, how fulfilling it is, whether it will require you to move, etc. But career decisions have a more lasting impact than your decision to have Jamoca Almond Fudge instead of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

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Topics: Industry Research & Advice


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Deciding what graduate school to attend can be daunting at times, and navigating the admissions process can be that much more difficult. We hope to make the journey from considering graduate school to enrolling in a graduate program easier by publishing content that will be helpful to you as you discern if, when, and where, to pursue your next degree.

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