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Here's How 6 Industries are Using Robotics Engineering to Save Lives

  October 15, 2020    

Robotics is a sophisticated branch of technology that blends disciplines like computer science, engineering, information technology, and cyber-physical systems to create and evaluate intelligent machines that are capable of working in tandem with or in place of humans.

As technology continues to advance, an increasing number of industries reap the benefits of robotics technology. From smart infrastructure to intelligent transportation, from exploration to sustainable agriculture, robotics...

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Topics: Graduate Degrees in STEM, Industry Research & Advice

Researching Planetary Robots: Meet a PhD Candidate in WVU’s Robotics Program

  August 27, 2020    

West Virginia University’s Robotics program is led by talented professionals who lead, collaborate, and inspire graduate students who are passionate about the field of robotics engineering. Fueled by a spirit of innovation, the Robotics program is designed to perpetuate technological advancements in the field of robotics engineering.

We had the opportunity to speak with one PhD candidate at WVU who is participating in the

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Topics: Graduate Degrees in STEM

Katie's Story — Using My EdD to Improve Higher Education Administration

  July 22, 2020    

Meet Katie Condon — West Virginia University's Assistant Director of Admission & Recruitment.

In addition to her work in the Office of Admissions, Katie pursued a master's degree at West Virginia University, which in turn inspired her to stay and pursue her Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration.

We asked her a few questions and learned more about how her time at WVU has prepared her for a meaningful career in higher education administration — where she can utilize her skills in...

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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials

An Inspiring Story of Dedication to Academic Excellence — Kristen’s IMC Journey

  July 16, 2020    

Meet Kristen Cosner. Kristen is a proud 2018 alumna of the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) online graduate program at West Virginia University — finishing the program in less than two years.

After earning her master’s degree in IMC, Kristen was hired as a Communications Coordinator in the Office of Marketing and Public Relations at Glenville State College. Read Kristen’s unique story of survival and

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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials, WVU Graduate Programs

Why I'm Getting a Master's and a PhD in Higher Education Administration

  July 08, 2020    

West Virginia University is proud to be home to a community of forward-thinking, ambitious professionals who are working toward transforming the dynamic and impactful field of higher education administration.

Connor Ferguson is a graduate of WVU's Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration, and she has also been accepted to WVU's Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education. Fueled by a love of learning and a respect for the field of higher education, she shares her thoughts on how WVU's...

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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials, WVU Graduate Programs

Achieving a Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration at WVU

  June 15, 2020    

What is higher education administration?

A multifaceted and results-oriented field, higher education administration is a unique discipline related to the much larger umbrella of administration and management. Higher education administration involves the coordination of various academic programs, departments, and activities for higher education institutions.

If you're thinking about working in higher education, then this interview is a must-read.

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Topics: Student and Alumni Testimonials, WVU Graduate Programs

7 Tips to Improving Your Approach to GRE Test Prep

  May 13, 2020    

If you’re thinking about going to graduate school, you’ve probably been wondering how to start studying for the Graduate Record Examination, otherwise known as the GRE.

Most graduate programs require that applicants take the GRE, a roughly four-hour test that resembles the structure of its college entry precursor, the SAT, with three sections that assess verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing skills. So, if you’re worried that your standardized test-taking abilities are rusty, don’t be....

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Topics: Graduate School Resources, Standardized Test Prep

How Getting a Degree in Public Health Will Revolutionize Future Pandemic Responses

  May 07, 2020    

COVID-19 has had an unforeseeable impact on individuals and communities around the globe. In the wake of this global pandemic, it is more crucial, now than ever before, to prepare the next generation of public health experts to handle pandemics like the one we are experiencing today. 

Getting a graduate degree in public health will enable you to address a wide range of public health issues, from pandemics to poor air quality to health policy and will give you the skills to improve the lives of

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs

What is the Real ROI of a Master's Degree for a Professional Marketer?

  April 23, 2020    

As individuals, we face a deluge of information unprecedented in human history, from the screens we carry in our pockets to broadcast media, from traditional print to emerging AI technologies. As marketing communications professionals, we should be asking ourselves a crucial question: How can we, as professional communicators, propel our message, reach our target audience, remain relevant, and experience professional success in a competitive industry like marketing communications?

Success in...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs

5 Graduate Degrees That Will Prepare You to Combat Global Pandemics

  April 09, 2020    

Now, more than ever, the health and well-being of our communities is paramount. As we experience the continued impact of COVID-19, many of us are realizing the long term implications that a worldwide pandemic can leave behind. We are seeing and feeling the effects on our lives and in our communities as the health crisis spreads and a growing number of people are isolating in their homes, and we might be wondering: How can I help? Can I do more? Will choosing a graduate education prepare me to...

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Topics: WVU Graduate Programs


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Deciding what graduate school to attend can be daunting at times, and navigating the admissions process can be that much more difficult. We hope to make the journey from considering graduate school to enrolling in a graduate program easier by publishing content that will be helpful to you as you discern if, when, and where, to pursue your next degree.

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