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Is an Online Degree Worth It? 7 Reasons to Choose Online Grad School

Posted by Shelly Quance on 7/5/23 8:15 AM

  July 05, 2023    

young woman studying using a laptop

Accelerated by the pandemic, the future of graduate education is now and unsurprisingly, it’s online. Predictions made by higher education experts indicate a sweeping movement to engage and embrace online learning. Since the end result is the same — a diploma and career advancement — which platform of learning is right for you and your needs? And is an online graduate program worth it for you?

Here are a few advantages to choosing graduate school online and why we think it's a legitimate and forward-thinking option for aspiring graduate students.

Are you interested in a nontraditional learning option for graduate school?  Explore ourOnline Graduate School Toolkit for everything you need to know about  choosing an online graduate program at WVU.

1. Perfect for Working Professionals

One of the biggest gains from enrolling in an online graduate program is the amount of flexibility. Students have more opportunities to study wherever and whenever they want, to an extent. They can choose the location they study, and they can block out their own schedules to allow them to arrange classwork around a job or other activities.

Online students can also afford the time to have a job to help earn money toward their tuition and other obligations. This results in lower “opportunity cost:” If a student has the flexibility to earn a salary while earning an advanced degree, the money put towards the graduate degree is more manageable than for students with no income.

2. Reduced Costs

Although an advanced degree can set your career flying, higher education can also crash your bank account if you aren’t strategic regarding financial budgeting. While some programs can be extremely expensive, some online programs allow their students to pay in-state tuition regardless of residency. Keep your career on path by searching for highly-ranked online programs that won’t break the bank. 

At West Virginia University, particularly with WVU Online, there is a notable distinction when it comes to tuition fees for students pursuing online majors. Unlike many other universities that impose higher charges for out-of-state online students, WVU makes exceptions for online degrees. Tuition rates are determined based on specific programs rather than individual courses. This means that enrolling in a course unrelated to a student's desired degree will not increase tuition fees for those in a particular program.

This unique approach at WVU enables students to explore other fields of study without financial repercussions if their degree allows flexibility for elective classes. By aligning tuition costs with programs rather than individual courses, WVU fosters an environment that encourages academic exploration and will enable students to broaden their horizons while pursuing their chosen online majors.

Note: Students are also encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to verify their eligibility for grants, scholarships, and other financial aid.

3. Increased Flexibility

Every online graduate program will differ when it comes to deadlines for assignments, group projects, and exams, but you can certainly expect to be required to meet deadlines — just like any other academic program.

That said, most graduate school online programs offer a certain level of flexibility that traditional, in-person classes do not. And while flexibility can be an attractive thing to many prospective graduate students, it's important to nurture your ability to stay self-motivated. While learning from home, a coffee house, or a library might seem ideal for some students, distractions can occur. Self-discipline and organizational skills are crucial for succeeding in an online learning environment.

Further, some students do not have the finances to afford a car, or they might not live close enough to an institution to rely on public transportation. Online courses only require a computer and a connection to Wi-Fi, which becomes a more accessible option for students who cannot make a commute.

4. Accessible Faculty

Traditional professors often hold office hours for students to ask questions, however, this method of meeting can be unconventional when the instructor’s schedule is booked or when the student has other classes or a job that prevents them from meeting during the designated hours. Online learning allows students to contact their professors via video chats or email, so there is less pressure to find an exact time to ask questions or receive feedback.

Instructors who focus solely on the online sphere have more time to dedicate to answering emails and scheduling video conferences and tutoring. There is a significant difference in interpersonal communication since all conversations are held through a computer, but the amount of social interaction is not necessarily reduced.

5. Encouraging Green Learning

On the same side of the interaction, all correspondence on assignments (and the assignments themselves!) between professors and students is digital. None of the work is print-based, therefore, there is not waste of materials.

Not to mention the lack of travel costs and resources, an online degree is good for the environment.

6. Employers Value Online Graduate Degrees 

Some aspiring graduate students have concerns regarding the validity or prestigiousness of an online degree, but ultimately, “the type of degree you have earned is going to be much more important to your employer than the method...online or on campus.” In a survey conducted by Excelsior College and Zogby International, “83 percent of executives” said “an online degree is as credible as one earned through a traditional [program].” 

7. Advancement of Technology

Many teachers agree that constantly-growing technology “provides a greater ability to tailor lessons … to the individual needs of each student.”

Technology can bridge the gap for students who are learning from an online curriculum. Some demonstrations in the classroom are not experienced in the same way by someone watching a lecture on their computer, but using video demonstrations in online lessons can provide a realistic and similar experience. Thankfully, schools have been implementing new, developing technologies in order to stay current, and incoming students can be informed of these changes as they occur.

Additionally, instructors are trained to be proficient in using the digital tools necessary for effective teaching and learning. Students have immediate access to their professors and can ask for clarification on how to use a variety of online systems. 

Introducing WVU Online

WVU Online strives to help nontraditional learners make a seamless transition back into the classroom. WVU Online has a team of enrollment coaches dedicated to the online learner who work to build trusting relationships with each student by attempting to understand their individual goals, and making connections between those priorities and West Virginia University.” — Julie Thalman,  Assistant Provost for Online Learning and Continuing Professional Education

Some higher education institutions, including West Virginia University (WVU), offer a variety of online graduate programs at the same tuition rates for in-state and non-residents. WVU Online is its own unit, made up of enrollment coaches that assist students from the point of inquiry through what WVU’s Admissions Team considers a “strong start,” which is the first week of classes. The unit also oversees the registration process for many online programs.

If you think that graduate school online might be right for you, we encourage you to request more information today!

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Explore The Online Graduate School Toolkit for a comprehensive look at WVU's online offerings!

Explore the Toolkit

Topics: WVU Graduate Programs

Posted by Shelly Quance

Shelly Quance has spent almost 20 years working in higher education marketing communications. She currently serves as Director for West Virginia University’s Office of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment where she works collaboratively with College leadership to develop, implement, and evaluate creative and effective comprehensive communication and marketing plans to increase graduate student enrollment.


About the Blog

Deciding what graduate school to attend can be daunting at times, and navigating the admissions process can be that much more difficult. We hope to make the journey from considering graduate school to enrolling in a graduate program easier by publishing content that will be helpful to you as you discern if, when, and where, to pursue your next degree.

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