Sometimes before making a decision as important as pursuing graduate school, it’s helpful to get some insight into a student’s own experiences. And if you are considering pursuing a graduate degree in the field of business and economics, hearing a student’s experience first hand can assist you as you decide when and where to pursue a master’s degree.
We talked to Michelle Mou — an international graduate student from China pursuing a dual MBA-M.S. in Finance — and got some insight regarding her interest in the field of finance and her subsequent experience as a student at WVU.
Here’s Michelle’s story:
Michelle Mou had a passion for finance since her high school years: “When I was in high school, I felt there was no difference between finance, accounting, [and] economics.” But upon the financial crisis of 2008, Mou began learning about the unique facets of finance and became interested in pursuing an area of study she felt could transition into a promising career in either the United States or China.
While earning her graduate degrees, Michelle secured two internships in order to get real-world experience. She started by interning at WVU Medicine, working in insurance contracting and examining claims to ensure adequate payments according to contracts. “I felt that it was worthwhile to do the data verification and auditing work. When reviewing thousands of claims, I would be lying if I said it was interesting, but afterward I felt it was very rewarding knowing I helped someone recoup losses,” she says.
Once her internship at WVU Medicine ended, professors within B&E’s finance department recommended Michelle for an internship at the WVU Foundation, which manages donations to the University.
“Working with the WVU Foundation, I do more of what I like to do — portfolio management, investment, and other financial matters. I help record the market value and organize data,” she says. “I could also be involved in a new project, so I am trying to learn [a financial software called] Bloomberg to help with it … It is one of the best tools, so it will help in my future career development.”
Michelle Mou is just one student with experiences regarding her time as a graduate student in WVU’s Finance program. And for more information on the College of Business and Economics offered at WVU, be sure to check out our graduate programs overview.